In return you may receive an Atlas Pass blueprint for your safe keeping. Head up the gangway, speak to one of the NPC's and answer the dialogue favourably - in my game I simply handed over species data (required level 3). Fly towards the anomaly and dock your ship inside. See the image above to understand what these look like. Space Anomaly The alternative way to get your hands on a pass is to find a "Space Anomaly" which is a massive sphere object that sometimes appears close to other planets.

Atlas Stations One thing new players seem to miss is that there are actually missions in No Man's Sky. Is it worth the hassle? Yes, because these locked rooms usually contain rare resources, notably resources required for crafting Warp Cell's which are a fundamental mechanic for reaching the end game.

Every space station that you visit has a certain number of rooms, some of which will be locked behind the "Atlas pass required" message: The key to entering these rooms is to have the special keycard in your possession - you then have free reign over all of the space station rooms. Although No Man's Sky is relatively open to players, it doesn't mean that there aren't any locked or inaccessible areas. In this post I'll explain exactly how you get one of these passes. Passes come in different versions aptly named V1, V2, V3 etc. Players can earn an Atlas Pass blueprint during the game and then keep the luxury of opening doors without any restrictions. An Atlas Pass is a special kind of key card that let's you open locked doors on space stations.